The Best 3 Ways to Treat Muscle Injuries with Ice Packs

Exercise-Ice-Pack-InjuryWhat do you do when you get a muscle injury? There is quite a number of treatments, and we will like to talk about Ice. Generally, ice or Cryotherapy should be used when the injury is inflamed. Ice decreases blood flow, aids in reducing inflammation, eases the pain and muscle spasm in the affected area. Here are 3 best way to treat muscle injury:

  1. Ice should not exceed 20 min: When applying ice, the treatment should not exceed 20 minutes because it may cause more harm than good. There are several stages explored within the 20 minutes of application; coldness, burning, aching and numbness. Once the feeling of numbness occurs, one should stop applying the ice.
  2. Put a towel between your Skin and the Ice Pack: Another tip you have to consider while applying ice is to cover the ice pack with a towel. This serves as a barrier between the ice and the skin. This helps to avoid frostbite, damage to the skin and tissues and other effects of prolonged contact with ice.
  3. Follow the R.I.C.E. procedure: Also, a good procedure to follow after an injury is R.I.C.E - rest, ice, compression and elevation. It will encourage healing and flexibility. The injured body part should be rested as it is important to stop whatever is causing pain and soreness. Application of ice, as mentioned earlier, is important to minimize the pain and swelling. Wrapping or compression over the injury aids the healing process; however, the bandage should be loosened to avoid worsening the situation. Lastly, the injured body part should be elevated on a pillow while applying ice.
Injuries that may benefit from this therapy are as follows; Tendinitis, chronic arthritis, pulled, strained or torn muscles, cuts and bruises. So, when you or your friend wants to treat a muscle injury, you can try buying a hot and cold pack.
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